BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Meridian desktop application > Tools menu details

Tools menu details

The Tools menu contains commands useful to system administrators.

The following table briefly describes each command on the Tools menu. Refer to topics elsewhere in this guide for details.

Tools menu commands
Command Description

Open Configurator

Opens the current vault in Meridian Configurator, if installed on the computer.

Script Debugger

Displays a submenu of commands for debugging VBScript expressions.


Opens the Diagnostics dialog showing the results of several network communications tests for performance analysis.

Related information

Vault menu details

Edit menu details

View menu details

Document menu details

Folder menu details

Work Area menu details

Help menu details

Main toolbar details

Find toolbar details

Manager toolbar details

Scope toolbar details

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